For a Cocktail That Sizzles, Try a Bacon Bloody Mary

The roots of the Bloody Mary can be traced to the 1930s in New York City, where the 21 Club served a cocktail that was half tomato juice and half vodka. But it took its modern form in Paris, at Harry’s New York Bar — a Manhattan bar that had been dismantled and shipped to France, and which soon became a favorite haunt of American expats and celebrities. There, Fernand Petiot added salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice and cracked ice.

Petiot did not perfect the Bloody Mary, though.

He forgot the bacon.

Let’s rectify that now, because like our friends at Bacon Party, we want to see bacon deliciousness spread to every bacon-loving citizen.

Bacon Bloody Mary

Wipe the edge of your favorite bacon tumbler with a lemon or lime wedge and dip it into bacon salt.

Fill the tumbler with ice, then add vodka, lemon or lime juice and Worcestershire sauce.

Top with tomato juice, then season with celery salt, black pepper, and cayenne pepper or Tabasco as desired.

Stir gently, garnish with a celery stalk and bacon strips and enjoy responsibly.

— Matt Rehm